په ۱۹۱۹ ع کال کی انګرېزانودافغانستان خپلواکي ولې په رسمیت وپېژندله ؟

مونږدامنوچې افغانانوته به ډېره سخته وي چې دمیروئيس نیکه اواحمدشاه بابا دعوې و ګټي خودغازي امان الله خان دمیراث حق لري ځکه چې شرعي ، حقوقي اومستندثبوتونه لري . ننې افغانستان همدې غازي اوافغانانوپه خپلوسرووینو، دازادۍ اوخپلواکۍ په استلال ، مبارزه ،حقوقو، قانون اورسمیاتوګټلې اوساتلې دې مګردنړۍ ډېروستروهیوادونودنوروبیګناه انسانانوپه وژنه اودهغوی په ملکیت په برمته کؤلوځانته هیوادونه جوړکړي دي . که عدل ، انصاف اوقانونیت وي نودحساب لپاره داګزاودامیدان ، دوی دی ووایي چې دوی خپل هیوادونه په کومه توګه ، وسیله ، تاریخ ، حقوقو اومنطق جوړکړي دي ؟

پنجشنبه، اسفند ۶


February 23, 2010

Salamuna Mohtaram A_Sahib!

First of all I would like to thank you and J_ Sahib for the confidence you have in my abilities to serve our poor yet gallant people. Allah (SBHTA) knows I have followed what Allah (J) orders in the Holy Qoran when it comes to dealing with Kufars and Fitna.

For the past 9 years, I had chosen to tell the truth at the cost of my career and future livelihood. To this end, I defended the right of our poor people at International Forums and exposed America’s crimes in Afghanistan. Especially, I exposed in part the use of uranium munitions in Afghanistan and served as a main witness in the International War Crime Tribunal against George W Bush. Based on my testimony and other evidences, George W Bush was found guilty on 13 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity. In the following link, you can see the photos of victims of American crimes of using uranium munitions. These are deformed children affected by nano-particles of uranium isotopes. I have photographed these children:


When I came to Afghanistan to participate in the Presidential Elections, my main aim was to use that forum to raise the voice of my people, and when I decided to withdrew my name from the elections, I wanted my action to serve as protest against foreign occupation and corruption.

Due to the pressure and suggestions of many friends, I decided that I would work with the government of Hamid Karzai for the betterment of the Pashtun people especially since they are the victims today. I was willing to compromise on many points and issues for the sake of the future; however I could not compromise on Pashtuns and Pashto.

The compounded effects of several actions of Hamid Karzai compelled me to change my mind and reject working in his government. First, Karzai promoted the joint Farsi language television stations between Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. This further marginalizes Pashtun culture and language. Second, Karzai appointed the sworn enemy of the Pashtun people and language as Minister of culture and communications. Third. Karzai armed Dostum's commanders in the north for security especially one of Dostum's commander who is known as Afghan Koosh (Killer of Pashtuns) was given police Ranger Pickups and police uniforms. This killer in turn raped Pashtun women.

Fourth, Karzai took the oath of Presidency in Farsi for the first time in recent memory. In fact, Karzai asked the person who was administering the oath if a Farsi or Dari version was available. Even Babrak Karmal took the oath of Presidency in Pashto. Karmal was known for his anti-Pashtun sentiment. Karzai is worse than him in this case. Fifth, Karzai speaks in Farsi in public and instructed all his puppet and coward ministers to speak in Farsi. This strengthens the hypothesis that Karzai is not a Pashtun but rather his roots are of qazelbash Iranian roots. Sixth, when the UN exposed the Pashtun genocide in northern Afghanistan , Karzai refuted it to save his own skin.

The above mentioned facts are on top of the other crimes he ad his brothers committed. The hundreds of millions of dollars he and his brothers swindled from foreign aid.

In Afghan history, TWO RULERS AWARDED medals to leaders of countries that invaded Afghanistan . The first one was Babrak Karmal, who gave a medal to Brezhnev and the second one was Hamid Karzai, who awarded George W Bush with the Medal of Amanullah Khan for killing Afghan people and contaminating Afghanistan with uranium munitions.

I was a witness against George W Bush for crimes he has committed against the people of Afghanistan while Hamid Karzai awarded George W Bush a medal for committing crimes against the Afghan people. What a difference?

Furthermore, I was willing to compromise on many points but could not on Pashto and Pashtuns. It is my firm opinion that Hamid Karzai is the sworn enemy of the Pashtun people and Pashto language. I believe he is much worse than Shah Shujah and Babrak for he undermined Pashtuns and Pashto language. Think about it, the closest associate of Karzai is Dostum, who threw 2500 Pashtuns in the Amu River .

I would like to thank you A_ Sahib and J_ Sahib for your confidence in me and wish you luck. I am not going to work for this traitor and enemy of the Pashtun people, Hamid Karzai!!!


Mohammed Daud Miraki , MA , MA , PhD

(773) 954-9374

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مونږټول افغانان ورورولۍ ، انصاف، عدالت ، امن ، علم ، ترقۍ ، برابرۍ ، قانونیت اودبشردحقونوملاتړته رابولوو